Blueprint Savoia Marchetti SM.79

Savoia Marchetti SM.79

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Specifications Savoia Marchetti SM.79 blueprint

The Savoia Marchetti SM.79 is an iconic Italian-made three-engine bomber and transport plane known for its distinctive construction and impressive strength. Its expansive wingspan of over 73 feet set it apart from other aircraft of the era, and its aerodynamic lines highlighted its function as a bomber and its sleek speed capabilities. Wooden wings, metal wings and legendary spatted landing gear can also be seen, and its twin tailfin emblazons its commitment to traditional Italian design. The Savoia Marchetti SM.79 was an incredibly versatile plane. Not only could it carry payloads and troops, but it was also frequently used as a torpedo bomber, dive bomber, and general attack machine. It was outfitted with a variety of engines which gave it impressive maneuverability and speed, while its long range and large payload ensured it could be used in a variety of missions. Among its many impressive features, the Savoia Marchetti SM.79 was also incredibly durable. It was made with a strong fuselage and a reinforced airframe which made it able to withstand the roughest of conditions. Its tricycle landing gear allowed it to land and takeoff easily, even in the most challenging of circumstances. The Savoia Marchetti SM.79 is an important aircraft which has touched the lives of many and made its mark in aviation history. With its classic Italian design, impressive range, payload capacity, and durability, the Savoia Marchetti SM.79 remains a timeless classic.

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